Articles liés à The Bromance Book Club

Adams, Lyssa Kay The Bromance Book Club ISBN 13 : 9781984806093

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9781984806093: The Bromance Book Club
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***This excerpt is from an advance uncorrected copy proof***

Copyright © 2019 Lyssa Kay Adams


Chapter One

There was a reason Gavin Scott rarely drank.

He was bad at it.

As in, face-planted on the carpet while reaching for the bottle bad. And too drunk to see in the dark so might as well stay down bad.

Which is why he didn’t get up when his best friend and Nashville Legends teammate, Delray Hicks, pounded on the door to his hotel room, a fourth-floor state of depression that reminded him every minute that he could at least screw up like a champion.

“Izz open,” Gavin slurred.

The door swung wide. Del flipped on a blinding overhead light and immediately swore. “Shit. Man down.” He turned and spoke to someone else. “Help me.”

Del and another giant human lumbered toward him until their four massive hands grabbed his shoulders. In an instant, he was upright and leaning against the shitty couch that had come with the room. The ceiling spun, and his head fell back against the cushions.

“Come on.” Del smacked his cheek. “Look alive.”

Gavin sucked on air and managed to lift his head. He blinked twice but then ground the heels of his hands into his eye sockets. “I’m drunk.”

“No shit,” Del said. “What have you been drinking?”

Gavin lifted his hand to point at the bottle of craft bourbon on the coffee table. It had been a gift from a local distillery to every member of the team at the end of their season a few weeks ago. Del swore again. “Shit, man. Why not just pour grain alcohol down your throat?”

“Didn’t have any.”

“I’ll get some water,” said the other guy—whose blurry face sort of resembled Braden Mack, owner of several Nashville night clubs, but that made zero sense. Why would he be there? They’d only met once at a charity golf thing. Since when were he and Del friends?

A third man suddenly walked in, and this time Gavin recognized him. It was one of his teammates, Yan Feliciano. “Como es el?”

How is he? Gavin understood that. Holy shit, he could speak Spanish when he was drunk.

Del shook his head. “He’s about one shot away from listening to Ed Sheeran.”

Gavin hiccupped. “No me gusta Ed Sheeran.”

“Shut up,” Del said.

“I don’t stutter when I’m Spanish.” Gavin hiccupped again. Something sour came up with it this time. “When ‘m drunk.”

Yan swore. “Que paso?”

“Thea asked for a divorce,” Del said.

Yan made a sound of disbelief. “My wife said there was a rumor about them having trouble, but I didn’t believe it.”

“Bleeveve it,” Gavin groaned, dropping his head against the couch. A divorce. His wife of three years, the mother of his twin daughters, the woman who made him realize there really was a thing called love at first sight, was done with him. And it was his own fucking fault.

“Drink this,” Del said, handing Gavin a bottle of water. And then, speaking to Yan again, said, “He’s been staying here for the past two weeks.”

“She kicked me out,” Gavin said, dropping the unopened water.

“Because you’ve been acting like a douchebag.”

“I know.”

Del shook his head. “I warned you, man.”

“I know.”

“I told you she’d get sick of your ass if you didn’t get your head out of it.”

“I know.” Gavin growled it this time, lifting his head. Too fast. He did it too fast. A wave of nausea warned that the bourbon was making a run for the nearest exit. Gavin swallowed and drew in a deep breath, but, oh shit . . . sweat dampened his forehead and his armpits.

“Oh fuck, he’s turning green,” Might-Be-Braden-Mack yelled.

Massive hands grabbed him again and hauled him to his feet. They barely touched the floor as Del and Pretty-Sure-It-Was-Mack dragged him to the bathroom. Gavin stumbled to the toilet just as something the color of bad decisions exploded from his mouth. Mack swore with a gag and bolted. Del stayed, even when Gavin grunted like a tennis player in her backswing and heaved several more times.

“You never could handle the hard stuff,” Del said.

“I’m dying,” Gavin groaned, falling to one knee.

“You’re not dying.”

“Then put me out of my mishery.”

“Trust me. I’m tempted.”

Gavin fell onto his ass and leaned against the beige bathroom wall. His knee collided with the beige tub hidden by a plastic, beige shower curtain. He made $15 million a year and was stuck in a shittier hotel room than his days as a minor leaguer. He could afford way better, but this was punishment. Self-imposed. He’d let his pride ruin the best thing that ever happened to him.

Del flushed the toilet and closed it. He walked out and returned a moment later with the water. “Drink. I mean it this time.”

Gavin opened the bottle and sucked down half. After a few minutes, the room was no longer spinning. “What are they doing here?”

“You’ll find out.” Del sat down on the lid of the toilet and leaned forward, elbows on knees. “You all right?”

“No.” Gavin’s throat convulsed. Shit. He was going to lose it in front of Del. He squeezed his eyes shut and pressed the pad of his thumb into the space between his eyebrows.

“You go ahead and cry, man,” Del said, tapping Gavin’s foot with the toe of his sneaker. “No shame in that.”

Gavin propped his head against the wall as twin tears rolled down his cheeks. “I can’t believe I lost her.”

“You’re not going to lose her.”

“She w-w-wants a divorce, asshole.”

Del didn’t react to his stutter. No one on the team did anymore, mostly because Gavin had stopped trying to fight it around them. Which was one more in a long list of things he had Thea to thank for. Before he met her, he was self-conscious, hesitant to speak even in front of people he knew. But Thea was completely unfazed the first time he stuttered in front of her. She didn’t try to finish his sentence, didn’t look away in discomfort. She just waited until he got the words out. No one else besides his family had ever made him feel like he was more than just an awkward, stammering jock.

Which made it that much more of a betrayal when he discovered her lie a month ago. And that’s what it felt like. A lie.

His wife had been faking it in bed their entire marriage.

“Did she say that?” Del asked. “Or did she say she thinks it’s time to think about divorce?”

“What’s the fucking difference?”

“One means she’s definitely done with you. The other means you might still have a chance.”

Gavin rolled his head against the wall in sloppy disagreement. “There’s no chance. You didn’t hear her voice. It was like talking to a stranger.”

Del stood and towered over him. “Do you want to fight for your marriage?”

“Yes.” Jesus, yes. More than anything. And shit, now his throat was closing again.

“What are you willing to do?”


“Do you mean that?”

“W-w-what the fuck? Of course, I mean it.”

“Good.” Del offered his hand. “Then come on.”

Gavin let Del pull him to his feet and then followed him back into the main room. His body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds as he stumbled toward the couch and collapsed onto the cushions.

“Nice place you got here, Scott,” Mack said, emerging from the kitchenette area. He polished a green apple on his shoulder and then took a large, loud bite.

“That’s mine,” Gavin grumbled.

“You weren’t eating it.”

“I was going to eat it.”

“Sure. Right after you reached the bottom of that bottle.”

Gavin flipped him off.

“Knock it off,” Del ordered Mack. “We’ve all been where he is.”

Wait. What? What the hell did that mean?

Yan claimed the seat on the opposite end of the couch and clunked his cowboy boots onto the coffee table. Mack leaned against the wall.

Del looked at them both. “What do you guys think?”

Mack took another bite and spoke with his mouth full. “I don’t know. You really think he can handle it?”

Gavin dragged his hand down his face. He felt like he’d walked into the middle of a movie. A crappy one. “Can someone please explain to me wh-what’s going on?”

Del crossed his arms. “We’re going to save your marriage.”

Gavin snorted, but the three pairs of eyes looking back at him were serious. He groaned. “I’m screwed.”

“You said you were willing to do anything to get Thea back,” Del said.

“Yes,” Gavin mumbled.

“Then I need you to be honest.”

Gavin tensed. Del lowered himself onto the coffee table. It protested under his six-four frame.

“Tell us what happened.”

“I told you. She said—”

“I don’t mean tonight. What happened?”

Gavin darted a glance at all three men. Even if Yan and Eating-My-Apple-Mack weren’t there, Gavin wouldn’t talk about that. It was too humiliating. It would be bad enough to admit that he couldn’t satisfy his own wife in bed, but to also have to own up to the special kind of dumbfuckery that made him freak out, move into the guest room, punish his wife with the silent treatment, and refuse to hear her explanations because his ego was too fucking fragile to handle it? Yeah, no. He’d keep that to himself, thank you very much.

“I can’t tell you,” he finally mumbled.

“Why not?”

“It’s personal.”

“We’re talking about your marriage. Of course, it’s personal,” Del said.

“But this is too—”

Mack cut him off with a frustrated noise. “He’s asking if you cheated on her, slapnuts.”

Gavin swiveled his head to glare at Del. “Is that what you think? You actually think I would cheat on her?” Just the thought made him want to bend over the toilet again and evacuate what remained of his liquid dinner.

“No,” Del said. “But we have to ask. It’s a rule. We don’t help cheaters.”

“Who the hell is we? What the fuck is going on?”

“You said she seemed like a stranger last night,” Del said. “Did it ever occur to you that maybe she is a stranger?”

Gavin shot him a what the fuck look.

“All spouses become strangers to each other at some point in a marriage,” Del said. “All human beings are a work in progress, and we don’t all change at the same pace. Who knows how many people have gotten divorced simply because they failed to recognize that what they thought were insurmountable problems were actually just temporary phases?” Del spread his hands wide. “But hell, you two? It’s a wonder you two ever got to know each other at all.”

“Is this supposed to be making me feel b-b-better?”

“You guys dated, what, four months before she got pregnant?”


Mack coughed into his hand. It sounded like the word shotgun.

“Right,” Del continued. “And the next thing you knew, you were getting married on a whim in a courthouse, and before the twins were even born you got called up to the bigs? Hell, Gavin, you’ve been on the road most of your marriage while she’s been raising those girls practically on her own in a strange city. You think she’s going to be the same person after all that?”

No, but dammit, that wasn’t the problem with him and Thea. Sure, she had changed. So had he. But they were good parents, and they were happy. At least, he thought they were happy.

Del shrugged casually and sat up straight. “Look, all I’m saying is that our careers are hard enough on couples who date for years and know exactly what they’re in for before getting married. But you two jumped into the deep end of the pool with no life jackets. No marriage can survive that, even in the best circumstances. Not without some help.”

“It’s a little late for counsheling.”

“No, it’s not. But that’s not what I’m talking about, anyway.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

Del ignored him and instead eyed Yan and Mack again. “Well?”

“I say yes,” Yan said. “He’ll be useless to us next season if we don’t get them back together.”

Mack shrugged. “I’m good, if only to get him out of here. Because goddamn, dude.” He gestured widely at the room.

Gavin slumped toward Yan. “How do I say fuck off in Spanish?”

Mack took a final bite of the apple and tossed the core over his shoulder. It landed perfectly in the sink. Gavin hated him more than anyone else in the entire world. “My daughters gave me that apple.”

“Oops,” Mack said.

“Listen up,” Del said. “Sleep this off tonight. Tomorrow night, you’ll meet us for your first official meeting.”

“First official meeting of what?”

“The solution to all your problems.”

They stared at him as if that explained everything. “That’s it?”

“One more thing,” Del said. “Under no circumstances are you to go see your wife.”


Chapter Two

Nothing on Earth is as strong as a woman who’s good and fed up.

Of all the bits of folksy wisdom her Gran Gran had imparted over the years, Thea Scott hoped at least that one was true because, holy crap, this sledgehammer weighed a ton. Four attempts to hit her mark had only resulted in a minor dent in the wall and a major pulled muscle in her back. But dammit, Thea was not giving up. Three years they’d lived in this house, and for three years she’d been fantasizing about knocking this wall down.

Seeing how her marriage had officially come crumbling down yesterday, it only seemed fair that today it should be the wall’s turn.

Besides, Thea really, really needed to hit something.

She swung the sledgehammer one more time with a grunt. Finally, the heavy end connected with a satisfying thud and left a gaping hole. With a whoop of victory, Thea yanked the hammer free and poked her face into her handiwork. She could almost feel the light from the other side just waiting to burst free from its sensibly beige prison. Who the hell would put a wall there, anyway? What architect in their right mind would separate the living room from the dining room and block all that glorious light from flowing through the downstairs?

Thea swung again, and a second hole joined the first. A chunk of drywall dropped to her feet as dust coughed into the air and coated her arms. Holy crap, that felt good.

Panting from exertion, Thea let the hammer fall to the plastic tarp she’d bought to protect the hardwood floor. Massaging her shoulder with one hand, she turned and surveyed the living room. Yes. Right here. Right by the French doors to the backyard. This was the perfect spot for her easel and paints. Someday, after finishing her degree, maybe she’d have her own art studio. But for now, she’d be satisfied just to paint again. She hadn’t touched a blank canvas since the girls were born. Her greatest creative accomplishment these days was dyeing her white T-shirts to make the stains seem intentional.

She’d tried to make it work, the wall. She’d hung family photos in quirky patterns. Framed the girls’ handprints and artwork. Displayed Gavin’s favorite bat from high school. All with the idea that someday she’d fix it. Someday she would paint it a more vibrant color. Or maybe add built-ins. Or someday just knock the entire damn thing down and start over.

Thea knew someday had arrived the instant she woke up this morning, eyes still swollen from a weak moment in the middle of the night when she’d cried in the bathroom with a fist pressed against her mouth to smother the sound.

Tears were pointless. Regrets wouldn’t help...

Revue de presse :
Praise for The Bromance Book Club
One of Bustle’s “21 New Rom-Coms Out in Fall 2019 To Give You Warm And Fuzzy Feelings All Season Long”

“Sweet and funny and emotional. I zoomed through this one Sunday, totally compelled by the romance (and the bromance!). I'm so looking forward to seeing more of this book club.”—Nalini Singh, New York Times bestselling author

The Bromance Book Club is a you’re-gonna-burn-dinner book because you will not want to put it down. Laugh out loud with tons of heart, this is an absolutely adorable must read.”—Avery Flynn, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author 

The Bromance Book Club is a delight! Even though Gavin is nothing less than swoon worthy, it was Adams' heroine that stole the show. With her perfect imperfections, she made me feel seen as a wife, mom, and woman. I raced to finish this book, but still never wanted it to end!”—Alexa Martin, author of Intercepted

“A delightful, fast-paced read with the perfect mix of laugh-out-loud and swoony moments–every town should have a Bromance Book Club.”—Evie Dunmore, author of Bringing Down the Duke

“With its quintessentially American setting, The Bromance Book Club is a funny, bittersweet unfurling of what it means to be married; what it means to be a sister, and a daughter and a reader. I laughed out loud when I realized just what the book club were up to. The bros offer droll advice on everything from toxic masculinity, to the best in pumpkin spice lattes, to how to look yourself up on Pinterest. But it is the reading aloud in this story that ultimately wins my heart, and shows that everything worth knowing—can be learned from romance.”—kc dyer, author of Finding Fraser

“Adams weaves in humor, complex emotions, and excerpts from the motivational story itself to create a satisfying courtship. A strong supporting cast, including Gavin’s book clubmates and his tiny, adorable twin daughters, helps flesh out the Legends community.”—Publishers Weekly

“A fun, sexy, and heartfelt love story that's equal parts romance and bromance.”—Kirkus Reviews

“Readers will look forward to more books in the Bromance Book Club series after this promising start.”—Booklist

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  • ÉditeurPenguin Publishing Group
  • Date d'édition2019
  • ISBN 10 1984806092
  • ISBN 13 9781984806093
  • ReliureBroché
  • Nombre de pages352
  • Evaluation vendeur

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Adams, Lyssa Kay
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Adams, Lyssa Kay
Edité par Berkley (2019)
ISBN 10 : 1984806092 ISBN 13 : 9781984806093
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Adams, Lyssa Kay
Edité par Berkley (2019)
ISBN 10 : 1984806092 ISBN 13 : 9781984806093
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Lucky's Textbooks
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